Scope 3 Reporting – an essential step for the decarbonization of global supply chains

Firms worldwide are currently working on their decarbonization strategies to reduce their impact on climate change. To this end, CO2 reporting is an essential step. For most firms, scope 3 emissions, i.e., emissions indirectly induced by a firms’ supply chain, constitute the largest part of their total CO2 footprint. Hence, the academic interest in this topic grew significantly over the past years. In their latest publication in the journal Business Strategy and the Environment, Maximilian Hettler and Prof. Dr. Graf-Vlachy review the management literature on the topic and present it using a holistic research framework. Their main findings include that quality and availability of data as well as the comprehensiveness of existing scope 3 reports are still deficient, and that additional research is urgently needed to advance the understanding of this increasingly important topic.
- Hettler, M., & Graf-Vlachy, L. (2023). Corporate scope 3 carbon emission reporting as an enabler of supply chain decarbonization: A systematic review and comprehensive research agenda. Business Strategy and the Environment, forthcoming.