Study on customer orientation and digital platforms

Customer orientation is widely considered a key requirement for firm performance. Consequently, it has drawn significant academic interest over the past thirty years. However, recent fundamental developments triggered by digitalization and the emergence of digital platform firms seem to undermine and contradict central ideas of the scientific customer orientation literature. In their most recent publication in the Journal of Business Research, Prof. Dr. Graf-Vlachy and co-authors from the University of Passau therefore identify what has changed due to the advent of digital platforms. Motivated by these changes, they then review existing customer orientation research, critically reflect on its development, and provide an agenda to guide future research on customer orientation in the age of digital platforms.
- Kiefer, J.S., Castell, C., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Graf-Vlachy, L., & König, A., 2023. Integrating Digital Platform Dynamics into the Next Wave of Customer Orientation Research, Journal of Business Research, 163.