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Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Theory and Methods in Management, Technology, and Leadership Research

Module: Business B: Strategic Management I
Course: Theory and Methods in Management, Technology, and Leadership Research
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Lorenz Graf-Vlachy
Scope / Credits: 4 SWS / 7,5 Credits
Course type: Lecture and Exercise
Language: English
Date and location: Lecture: Mondays, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. (SRG 1 - 1.024)
Exercise: Mondays, 6 p.m. -8 p.m. (SRG 1 - 1.024)
Beginning: Lecture: 13.10.2025
Exercise: 13.10.2025
Exam: Graded oral presentation, written report/reflection and active participation (attendance is compulsory) in oral presentations.

Content Overview

In this module, students will develop insights into and their own perspectives on theory in general, and specifically on theories in management, technology, and leadership research. To achieve this, they will apply basic social science thinking and methods to construct theory themselves and closely scrutinize recent scientific studies. While being primarily rooted in social science, the course will also address the questions of what management theory means to practitioners and how to apply current management theory to reflect on real-life managerial challenges.


Please note that space in this course is limited and an application is required. To apply, please send the following documents to the contact person indicated below: Current BOSS transcript, transcript from your Bachelor's degree, and a current curriculum vitae. Deadline for the application is September 27, 2024.

Contact Person