News from research of professorship
Seminar talk at UC Berkeley
Prof. Dr. Graf-Vlachy presents study on role behavior of top executives
Presentations at ICSE, TechDebt, and Monash University
Prof. Dr. Graf-Vlachy presents work on software engineers and top executives
Editorial review board of the Academy of Management Review
Prof. Dr. Graf-Vlachy to serve on the editorial review board of prestigious journal
Study on customer orientation and digital platforms
Publication of the professorship in the Journal of Business Research
Seminar lecture at the invitation of Copenhagen Business School
Prof. Dr. Graf-Vlachy talks about personal values of top executives and consequences for companies
Participation in research colloquium in Nuremberg
Members of the Professorship for Strategic Management and Leadership present and discuss current research in management
Can social scientists predict social change?
Study on the accuracy of predictions by social scientists published in nature human behaviour
Talk at the US Army War College
Prof. Dr. Graf-Vlachy gives talk on personal values of leaders and strategic flexibility of organizations
How Ukrainians deal with the psychological pressures of war
New article in the International Journal of Social Psychiatry studies the mental health of Ukrainians and their coping strategies
How do the media cover established companies’ adoption of discontinuous innovations?
Prof. Dr. Graf-Vlachy publishes scientific article in the Journal of Product Innovation Management
How does it feel to defend your home country?
Journal article in European Psychiatry explores the mental health of combatants in Ukraine
How do CEO and top management team fit together at the top of the company?
New publication in the Journal of Management Studies by Xue Wan from the Professorship of Strategic Management and Leadership